I'm a MCz user and that was (is) great for my DVD db, adding one DVD at a time.
Now I have digital files, thousands of them. I'd like them in a db too, but since they are many, much of it needs to be automated.
Now, de scanning hdds works fine (except for that it needlessly removes periods from the filenames before adding it to the db entry:
360.2011.LiMiTED.1080p.BluRay.x264-DAA becomes
360 2011 LiMiTED 1080p BluRay x264 DAA
which I find unnecessary and unwanted).
Scanning also adds container info such as times and sub tracks, great
Now, after the names have been added, I can search proper movie info
one by one, when finding the right movie, it will download and update the db
immediately causing a pause to retrieve all information. I'd like that to be a separate process: An option to find the right link, then move on to the next etc until all entries have the correct link, then update and retrieve all information and covers
in one go, saving me many hours of needless waiting in between entries. I'd actually would like to see that option in the scan hdd for moviefiles box, rather than afterwards, or an extra box to insert a ttxxxxxx imdb number.
The search itself works impressively well btw, the Pro version of MCz was unsuccesfull in linking movies in about 85% of the time, AMM filters the right tags from the filenames, giving a way better result.
Although AMM is currently the best choice for me, the batch add function is not yet finished untill it can scan a hdd, add all the files in one go with a (manually added) link to their proper imdbnumber so it can then retrieve info and covers automatically. Only then this program will save time.
I'd also would like to see a box for just the ttxxxxx number alongside the url box for imdb entries (easier/quicker to doucbleclick, copy and paste than the whole url).