All My Movies: post your suggestions here

Description: Feel free to ask here any questions about All My Movies software. Any suggestions are welcome
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Post #46by StormShadow » Sun Nov 05, 2006 9:38 pm

An export to pdf option..

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With us: 17 years 7 months

Post #47by Woo-Cash » Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:35 pm

How about an option to update all ratings from imdb by one click? I don't want to manually do it in over 600 movies.

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With us: 17 years 6 months

Post #48by Bobfather » Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:11 am

Put A, An The, at the end of a movie title so the titles will be in proper alphabetical order.
When adding movies with both an English and Foreign title, and adding by title don't change the original title. IMDB may recognize the foreign title but Amazon and/or DVD empire do not.

If the above have already been adressed I apologize.

Mike Oldfield
Mike Oldfield
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Re: All My Movies: post your suggestions here

Post #49by Mike Oldfield » Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:33 am

[quote="bolide"]Hi, do anyone has a plug in to have a multiple movies view. Thanks[/quote]

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Post #50by MD » Wed Jan 03, 2007 9:59 am

I'd like a small addition for the html templates.
I'm using a 'sort on date added' function in my template.
The problem is, that there is no way to detect what kind of date format (DDMMYYYY or MMDDYYYY) is used.
I've written a function to detect the dateformat, but if all movies where added before the 13th of every month, this function still doesn't work.

a [amm:dateformat] tag would be great :D

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Post #51by frnando » Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:01 pm


I'm trying AMM for... 7 days (I still have 23 days on Trial Mode.. :lol: ), concurrently with a bunch of other programs I'd found on the Internet (commercial and free).

For the visual appearance and ease of use, AMM is, for me, the best.

But I'm missing some funcionalities on the AMM database that are:

1. Store/use not just the actor's name but also the role he/she plays in the movie;

2. Get full credits from IMDB's import function. In some movies, even the most known actors are shown only on "full credits" section of the IMDB's site (For example: "White Oleander" movie cover shows the "Michelle Pfeiffer" name, but it don't shows on the AMM database after a import from IMDB!!). By the way, there's any instructions/tips on the bolidesoft website about making plugins for AMM?

3. A Way to group several movies/entries on only one title (for several seasons of series, for example);

4. Possibility for storing more than 1 cover on each movie, allowing us to change then on-the-fly (usefull for front/back cover);

5. Possibility to automatically move some pre-selected Prefixes to the end of the title (and original title) for sorting purposes. For example: "The New Guy" - Shows like "New Guy, The" and is sorted by letter "N". It must be programmable by the user for use with other languages (Le - French, A, O, AS, OS - Portuguese, for example).

Well, I think that's it for now... I'll have more 23 days to find out more. :D

Congratulations for the beautiful piece of software!


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Post #52by jcscar21 » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:54 pm

I downloaded yoursoftware from the free thing a day site. I love it! As soon as I have to reinstall I'm sure I will be buying a copy. I have over 185 movies listed on it currently. There is one feature, that would make this software supreme, at least in my opinion.

All of my movies are on DVD, I would like to be able to watch previews easily from the description page. I realize not all of them will have previews, but some is better than none.

I would the previews to be like the photo art, you can add one yourself if you want.

Just an idea!

Reputation: 3
With us: 17 years 4 months

Save Button

Post #53by Knubbel » Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:49 pm

Hi There,

it qould be great, if you could implement a "save button" or something simular which would make it possible to decide whether you would like to keep your changes in your recent session or prefer to close the DB without any changes permanently saved.


Reputation: 3
With us: 17 years 4 months

Post #54by Knubbel » Thu Jan 18, 2007 8:55 pm

another request:

because of the quickly increasing size of the DB ist there a possibility to store all pictures and screenshots seperately? And along with such an option it would be great to habe a plugin, which stores all pictures in a seperate folder or file and finally deletes all pictures out of the primary db.

btw, maybe there's a problem with the Movie Number: whenever turned on in the movie details, the automation freezes the system for a few minutes.

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With us: 17 years 4 months

Still no support

Post #55by Dingo » Fri Feb 02, 2007 9:41 am


I see there is still no support for :(

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With us: 17 years 4 months

Small bug pasting into "Local Path" - Metadata no

Post #56by Longtime » Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:39 pm

Because I can't import file locations from a csv, I'm painfully entering them manually. I used a "dir *.avi /b /s >movielist.txt" from a dos prompt to create all my filenames & locations and am cutting (ctrl-c) and pasting them (ctrl-v) line by line into each movie record on the Media Info tab (local path field). When I click "OK" the record saves, and the path is stored, making the "play" button green. However, the program fails to import the metadata fields for aspect ratio, duration etc (all the stuff on the Addtional Tab). I have to take the extra step of clicking the browse button on Local path, pasting the string into the filename there and hitting OK twice.

I'm doing 1800 movies this way. Very painful

bolide M
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bolide M
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Re: Small bug pasting into "Local Path" - Metadata

Post #57by bolide » Sun Feb 11, 2007 7:46 pm

Longtime wrote:I'm doing 1800 movies this way. Very painful

try to use menu item "Tools-Scan drive for movies"
Bolide Software

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Re: Small bug pasting into "Local Path" - Metadata

Post #58by Longtime » Tue Feb 13, 2007 3:11 am

bolide wrote:
Longtime wrote:I'm doing 1800 movies this way. Very painful

try to use menu item "Tools-Scan drive for movies"

Thanks.. But that is not at all helpful. I'm well aware of the option you mention and have used it extensively to import new movies from the drive. However on the main database I've already imported all the movie names via csv (which wouldn't allow me to import folder locations you may recall), painstakingly verified the IMDB lookups one at a time (because your software won't just choose the defaults in an unattended fashion and let me go back and correct any that are wrong). I've also added the covershots and other data found from the Internet (with LOTS of manual interaction needed - See 2nd paragraph below to understand why), and generally spent a lot of time to get my data this far. Since Tools-scan for movies gives no option but to delete an entire movie that is a duplicate it is not an option for me in this case. But I suspect you already knew that and decided the feature I suggested was silly & not needed. It IS a bug and I gave you the exact scenario to recreate it.

Perhaps it would help to explain the extreme difficulty I've had importing my collection. My movie names follow the format:
A beautiful mind - 2003.avi
Having the year appended to the name causes untold havoc with your software. The Internet lookups all fail because the year throws the search off. In addition, if the movie is 4x3 (rather than the more typical 16x9 format) my standard name might look like:
A beautiful mind (FS) - 2003.avi
Other problems include names with (Special Directors cut), (Unrated) or other items that I sometimes included in the filename. i.e. :
A beautiful mind (Unrated) - 2003.avi

Based on your previous answer your reaction will probably be "Well dumbass - simply don't put that extra stuff on the filename and you'll be fine". I will point out that the standard naming I use is followed by a great many people and even if it weren't it would be a tremendous amount of work to change 1800 filenames. So anything you could do to accomodate these name variations would be appreciated - although I realize the combinations would be vast, a check box saying "strip text in parenthesis and characters after any dash from movie title" would be hella cool.

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Location: Australia

Development Suggestions

Post #59by rdt2 » Wed Feb 28, 2007 10:39 am

Hi.. Just bought your product last week and loaded 2000 DVDs into it, A Fantastic product. A few suggestions for perhaps future inclusion if I may...

(1) Ability to change 'case' of movie titles (eg Sentence Case, Capitals, Lower Case etc)
(2) Ability to change font for export outputs (i.e. RHS of screen)
(3) Ability to search for movies without a cover picture with database
(4) Ability to customise first DB page - ie I'd like to get the MPAA rating in the CHM export

For the record, I use the CHM normal export which looks the best.

Thanks for reading

Rob T

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With us: 17 years 3 months

sort by subtitle

Post #60by jesperm » Fri Mar 23, 2007 1:05 pm

Is it possible to add the possibility to sort movies by subtitle
This could be nice in cases several subtitles are available. I live in Denmark and all my movies are english or danish subtitled. Some wants danish and here the feauture would be nice.

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