Division By Zero Error

Description: Feel free to ask here any questions about Image Comparer. Any suggestions are welcome!
Moderators: Viki, Gus, datasource, Gemini, admins

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With us: 14 years 8 months

Post #1by patrick70 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 4:02 pm

Nearly any time i use the image comparer program i get a division by zero pop up message which is repeated so many times that makes it impossible to continue using the program.
I have therefore to kill the task.
Am I the only one who encountered this problem?
Have i done something wrong? I'm ready to give u whatever addictional details of the problem.

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With us: 15 years 6 months

Post #2by Gemini » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:21 pm

Hi, patrick70!

Could you give some more details - when exactly does this happen? Which version of IC have you got?
All possible details are welcome!

Bolide Software Support Team

Reputation: 0
With us: 14 years 8 months

Post #3by patrick70 » Tue Feb 02, 2010 9:50 pm

Thanx for the quick reply Gemini,
i'm using the last version, 3.7 on Windows XP Home SP3.
Everything's ok in the 1st part when the program's adding pics.
Then, as soon as it starts reopening results in order to compare them
i get the Division By Zero Error.
I try to close this pop up but it comes out again and again.

After having closed many i get a new window with
General, Call Stack, Modules, Cpu tabs.
Here find the General tab copy.

EurekaLog 4.6.7

1.1 Start Date : Tue, 2 Feb 2010 22:42:27 +0100
1.2 Name/Description: IC3.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :

2.1 Date : Tue, 2 Feb 2010 22:43:53 +0100
2.2 Address: 005942C7
2.3 Module : IC3.exe
2.4 Type : EZeroDivide
2.5 Message: Floating point division by zero.

Active Controls:
3.1 Form Class : Shell_TrayWnd
3.2 Form Text :
3.3 Control Class: TTntPageControl.UnicodeClass
3.4 Control Text :

4.3 Total Memory: 2046 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 1293 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 35,96 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 15,53 Gb

Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
5.2 Build # : 2600
5.3 Update : Service Pack 3
5.4 Language: Italiano (Italia)

Once again feel free to ask me whatever details u need.
I can also give u a screen dump.
Thanx in advance

Reputation: 0
With us: 15 years 6 months

Post #4by Gemini » Thu Feb 04, 2010 8:16 pm

Hi again!
Thank you! One more thing - could you also write the contents of "Call Stack" tab from the bug-report?

Bolide Software Support Team

Reputation: 0
With us: 13 years 11 months

Same problem

Post #5by limiao » Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:35 pm

Hi, I am just wondering whether this issue has been fixed or not. I am having a very simiar problem.
Loading images is ok, but comparing is not working most of the time.

Reputation: 0
With us: 13 years 11 months

Crash when comparing the images

Post #6by limiao » Sat Oct 16, 2010 3:12 pm

EurekaLog 4.6.7

1.1 Start Date : Sat, 16 Oct 2010 16:57:12 +0200
1.2 Name/Description: IC3.exe
1.3 Version Number :
1.4 Parameters :

2.1 Date : Sat, 16 Oct 2010 17:10:29 +0200
2.2 Address: 00695046
2.3 Module : IC3.exe
2.4 Type : EFIBInterBaseError
2.5 Message: Can't format message 13:98 -- message file C:\Program Files\ImageComparer\firebird.msg not found. Internal gds software consistency check (can't continue after bugcheck). .

Active Controls:
3.1 Form Class : TfmProgress.UnicodeClass
3.2 Form Text : Compare images
3.3 Control Class:
3.4 Control Text :

4.1 Name : M-058-DELL
4.2 User :
4.3 Total Memory: 2038 Mb
4.4 Free Memory : 1141 Mb
4.5 Total Disk : 19,53 Gb
4.6 Free Disk : 4,87 Gb

Operating System:
5.1 Type : Microsoft Windows XP
5.2 Build # : 2600
5.3 Update : Service Pack 3
5.4 Language: German (Germany)

Call Stack Information:
|Address |Module |Unit |Class |Procedure/Method |Line|
|00695046|IC3.exe |fib.pas | |IBError |532 |
|7C90D9D8|ntdll.dll | | |ZwReadFile | |
|7C90DF88|ntdll.dll | | |NtWriteFile | |
|7C9010E0|ntdll.dll | | |RtlLeaveCriticalSection | |
|7C90DF48|ntdll.dll | | |NtWaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C90DF58|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForSingleObject | |
|7C90DF4E|ntdll.dll | | |ZwWaitForSingleObject | |
|7C8095D8|kernel32.dll| | |WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | |
|7C80A110|kernel32.dll| | |WaitForMultipleObjects | |
|7C90D068|ntdll.dll | | |NtContinue | |
|7C90D05E|ntdll.dll | | |NtContinue | |
|02B6BC20|fbclient.dll| | |CVT_move | |
|77C21B66|msvcrt.dll | | |__DestructExceptionObject| |
|77C21B6F|msvcrt.dll | | |__DestructExceptionObject| |
|77C21B41|msvcrt.dll | | |__DestructExceptionObject| |
|77C2281D|msvcrt.dll | | |__CxxFrameHandler | |
|7C90E485|ntdll.dll | | |KiUserApcDispatcher | |
|7C80AE8B|kernel32.dll| | |GetWindowsDirectoryW | |
|0040958C|IC3.exe |FastMM4.pas | |LockCmpxchg |1485|
|0040A2B9|IC3.exe |FastMM4.pas | |FastFreeMem |3858|
|00687454|IC3.exe |FIBQuery.pas |TFIBQuery |PreprocessSQL |4854|
|7C812AF5|kernel32.dll| | |RaiseException | |
|77C22726|msvcrt.dll | | |_CxxThrowException | |
|02B6362C|fbclient.dll| | |gds__free | |
|0040986C|IC3.exe |FastMM4.pas | |InsertMediumBlockIntoBin |2397|
|0040A484|IC3.exe |FastMM4.pas | |FastFreeMem |4009|
|00612720|IC3.exe |uCommonFunctions.pas| |CompareHashes |398 |
|02B5F420|fbclient.dll| | |isc_dsql_execute2_m | |
|0068794B|IC3.exe |FIBQuery.pas | |NeedTransformUserSQL |4979|
|0068787C|IC3.exe |FIBQuery.pas | |NeedTransformUserSQL |4973|
|00687A1A|IC3.exe |FIBQuery.pas |TFIBQuery |Prepare |5003|
|00694E08|IC3.exe |fib.pas | |IBError |467 |
|00683CB5|IC3.exe |FIBQuery.pas |TFIBQuery |Call |3065|
|00683C48|IC3.exe |FIBQuery.pas |TFIBQuery |Call |3059|
|00685275|IC3.exe |FIBQuery.pas |TFIBQuery |ExecQuery |3736|
|00684E9C|IC3.exe |FIBQuery.pas |TFIBQuery |ExecQuery |3652|
|0066596B|IC3.exe |pFIBQuery.pas |TpFIBQuery |ExecQuery |167 |
|006EE4DD|IC3.exe |uCompareThread.pas |TComparer |Execute |160 |
|006CBED3|IC3.exe |uMultiThreader.pas |TMultiThreadWatcher|setState |61 |
|006CBEA0|IC3.exe |uMultiThreader.pas |TMultiThreadWatcher|setState |57 |
|006EE80B|IC3.exe |uCompareThread.pas |TCompareDistributor|Execute |224 |

Modules Information:
|Handle |Name |Description |Version |Size |Path |
|00400000|IC3.exe | | |2050280|C:\Program Files\ImageComparer |
|01010000|Normaliz.dll |Unicode Normalization DLL |6.0.5441.0 |23552 |C:\windows\system32 |
|017B0000|hccutils.DLL |hccutils Module | |102400 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|01D20000|xpsp2res.dll |Service Pack 2 Messages |5.1.2600.5512 |2897920|C:\windows\system32 |
|02B40000|fbclient.dll |Firebird SQL Server | |1527892|C:\Program Files\ImageComparer |
|03800000|netprovcredman.dll |Intel(R) Network Provider Credential Manager | |208896 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|10000000|dcrawlib.dll |ImageEn dcraw plugin 8.89 | |319488 |C:\Program Files\ImageComparer |
|10930000|PortableDeviceApi.dll|Windows Portable Device API Components |5.2.5721.5145 |284160 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|3D930000|wininet.dll |Internet Extensions for Win32 |8.0.6001.18939 |916480 |C:\windows\system32 |
|3DFD0000|iertutil.dll |Run time utility for Internet Explorer |8.0.6001.18939 |1986560|C:\windows\system32 |
|4EC50000|gdiplus.dll |Microsoft GDI+ |5.2.6001.22319 |1748992|C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.GdiPlus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.0.6001.22319_x-ww_f0b4c2df |
|593F0000|wiashext.dll |Imaging Devices Shell Folder UI |5.1.2600.5512 |589312 |C:\windows\system32 |
|5AD70000|uxtheme.dll |Microsoft UxTheme Library |6.0.2900.5512 |218624 |C:\windows\system32 |
|5B860000|netapi32.dll |Net Win32 API DLL |5.1.2600.5694 |337408 |C:\windows\system32 |
|5EDD0000|olepro32.dll | |5.1.2600.5512 |84992 |C:\windows\system32 |
|61880000|oleacc.dll |Active Accessibility Core Component |7.0.2600.5884 |220160 |C:\windows\system32 |
|71AA0000|WS2HELP.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |5.1.2600.5512 |19968 |C:\windows\system32 |
|71AB0000|WS2_32.dll |Windows Socket 2.0 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |82432 |C:\windows\system32 |
|71AD0000|wsock32.dll |Windows Socket 32-Bit DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |22528 |C:\windows\system32 |
|71B20000|MPR.dll |Multiple Provider Router DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |59904 |C:\windows\system32 |
|71BF0000|SAMLIB.dll |SAM Library DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |64000 |C:\windows\System32 |
|71C10000|ntlanman.dll |Microsoft® Lan Manager |5.1.2600.5512 |44032 |C:\windows\System32 |
|71C80000|NETRAP.dll |Net Remote Admin Protocol DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |11776 |C:\windows\System32 |
|71C90000|NETUI1.dll |NT LM UI Common Code - Networking classes |5.1.2600.5512 |245760 |C:\windows\System32 |
|71CD0000|NETUI0.dll |NT LM UI Common Code - GUI Classes |5.1.2600.5512 |80896 |C:\windows\System32 |
|73000000|winspool.drv |Windows Spooler Driver |5.1.2600.5512 |146432 |C:\windows\system32 |
|73B50000|avifil32.dll |Microsoft AVI File support library |5.1.2600.5908 |84992 |C:\windows\system32 |
|73BA0000|sti.dll |Still Image Devices client DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |68096 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|73BC0000|DCIMAN32.DLL |DCI Manager |5.1.2600.5512 |8704 |C:\windows\system32 |
|74720000|MSCTF.dll |MSCTF Server DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |297984 |C:\windows\system32 |
|74AE0000|CFGMGR32.dll |Configuration Manager Forwarder DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |16896 |C:\WINDOWS\system32 |
|754D0000|CRYPTUI.dll |Microsoft Trust UI Provider |5.131.2600.5512 |512512 |C:\windows\system32 |
|755C0000|msctfime.ime |Microsoft Text Frame Work Service IME |5.1.2600.5512 |177152 |C:\windows\system32 |
|75A70000|MSVFW32.dll |Microsoft Video for Windows DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |121344 |C:\windows\system32 |
|75F60000|drprov.dll |Microsoft Terminal Server Network Provider |5.1.2600.5512 |14336 |C:\windows\System32 |
|75F70000|davclnt.dll |Web DAV Client DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |25088 |C:\windows\System32 |
|75F80000|browseui.dll |Shell Browser UI Library |6.0.2900.5512 |1025024|C:\windows\system32 |
|76080000|MSVCP60.dll |Microsoft (R) C++ Runtime Library |6.2.3104.0 |413696 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76390000|IMM32.DLL |Windows XP IMM32 API Client DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |110080 |C:\windows\system32 |
|763B0000|comdlg32.dll |Common Dialogs DLL |6.0.2900.5512 |276992 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76600000|CSCDLL.dll |Offline Network Agent |5.1.2600.5512 |101888 |C:\windows\System32 |
|76980000|LINKINFO.dll |Windows Volume Tracking |5.1.2600.5512 |19968 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76990000|ntshrui.dll |Shell extensions for sharing |5.1.2600.5512 |143360 |C:\windows\system32 |
|769C0000|USERENV.dll |Userenv |5.1.2600.5512 |727040 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76B20000|ATL.DLL |ATL Module for Windows XP (Unicode) |3.5.2284.2 |58880 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76B40000|WINMM.dll |MCI API DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |176128 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76BF0000|PSAPI.DLL |Process Status Helper |5.1.2600.5512 |23040 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76C30000|WINTRUST.dll |Microsoft Trust Verification APIs |5.131.2600.5922 |177664 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76C90000|IMAGEHLP.dll |Windows NT Image Helper |5.1.2600.5512 |144384 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76F60000|WLDAP32.dll |Win32 LDAP API DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |172032 |C:\windows\system32 |
|76FD0000|CLBCATQ.DLL | |2001.12.4414.700|498688 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77050000|COMRes.dll | |2001.12.4414.700|792064 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77120000|oleaut32.dll | |5.1.2600.5512 |551936 |C:\windows\system32 |
|773D0000|COMCTL32.DLL |User Experience Controls Library |6.0.2900.5512 |1054208|C:\windows\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.5512_x-ww_35d4ce83|
|774E0000|ole32.dll |Microsoft OLE for Windows |5.1.2600.5512 |1287168|C:\windows\system32 |
|77920000|SETUPAPI.dll |Windows Setup API |5.1.2600.5512 |985088 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77A20000|cscui.dll |Client Side Caching UI |5.1.2600.5512 |326656 |C:\windows\System32 |
|77A80000|CRYPT32.dll |Crypto API32 |5.131.2600.5512 |599040 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77B20000|MSASN1.dll |ASN.1 Runtime APIs |5.1.2600.5875 |58880 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77B40000|Apphelp.dll |Application Compatibility Client Library |5.1.2600.5512 |125952 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77BE0000|MSACM32.dll |Microsoft ACM Audio Filter |5.1.2600.5512 |71680 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77C00000|version.dll |Version Checking and File Installation Libraries|5.1.2600.5512 |18944 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77C10000|msvcrt.dll |Windows NT CRT DLL |7.0.2600.5512 |343040 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77DD0000|ADVAPI32.dll |Advanced Windows 32 Base API |5.1.2600.5755 |617472 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77E70000|RPCRT4.dll |Remote Procedure Call Runtime |5.1.2600.6015 |590848 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77F10000|GDI32.dll |GDI Client DLL |5.1.2600.5698 |286720 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77F60000|SHLWAPI.dll |Shell Light-weight Utility Library |6.0.2900.5912 |474112 |C:\windows\system32 |
|77FE0000|Secur32.dll |Security Support Provider Interface |5.1.2600.5834 |56832 |C:\windows\system32 |
|78130000|urlmon.dll |OLE32 Extensions for Win32 |8.0.6001.18939 |1210368|C:\windows\system32 |
|7C800000|kernel32.dll |Windows NT BASE API Client DLL |5.1.2600.5781 |989696 |C:\windows\system32 |
|7C900000|ntdll.dll |NT Layer DLL |5.1.2600.5755 |714752 |C:\windows\system32 |
|7C9C0000|shell32.dll |Windows Shell Common Dll |6.0.2900.6018 |8462336|C:\windows\system32 |
|7E290000|shdocvw.dll |Shell Doc Object and Control Library |6.0.2900.5512 |1499136|C:\windows\system32 |
|7E410000|USER32.DLL |Windows XP USER API Client DLL |5.1.2600.5512 |578560 |C:\windows\system32 |

EAX: 00F2C070 EDI: 1400000D
ECX: 0544FE00 ESP: 0544ADE4
EDX: 0069504B EIP: 00695046

Stack: Memory Dump:
------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0544ADE4: 0544FE2C 00695046: E8 A5 FD D6 FF EB 08 8B 45 E4 E8 F7 F4 D6 FF 33 ........E......3
0544ADE8: 00404D24 00695056: C0 5A 59 59 64 89 10 68 92 50 69 00 8D 85 D8 AF .ZYYd..h.Pi.....
0544ADEC: 0544FE24 00695066: FF FF E8 2F 04 D7 FF 8D 45 DC E8 27 04 D7 FF 8D .../....E..'....
0544ADF0: 1400000D 00695076: 45 F0 BA 02 00 00 00 E8 3E 04 D7 FF 8D 45 FC E8 E.......>....E..
0544ADF4: 1400000D 00695086: 8A 26 D7 FF C3 E9 64 FC D6 FF EB D0 5F 5E 5B 8B .&....d....._^[.
0544ADF8: 01C36780 00695096: E5 5D C3 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 02 00 00 00 5C 6E .]............\n
0544ADFC: 00000000 006950A6: 00 00 FF FF FF FF 01 00 00 00 2E 00 00 00 FF FF ................
0544AE00: 65746E69 006950B6: FF FF 02 00 00 00 0D 0A 00 00 51 E8 9A 2D D7 FF ..........Q..-..
0544AE04: 6C616E72 006950C6: 8D 80 F0 01 00 00 89 04 24 8B 04 24 5A C3 51 E8 ........$..$Z.Q.
0544AE08: 73646720 006950D6: 86 2D D7 FF 8D 80 F0 01 00 00 89 04 24 8B 04 24 .-..........$..$
0544AE0C: 666F7320 006950E6: 5A C3 55 8B EC 8B 55 08 8B 52 FC C1 E0 02 03 D0 Z.U...U..R......
0544AE10: 72617774 006950F6: 8B 45 08 89 50 FC 5D C3 8B C0 55 8B EC 83 C4 F4 .E..P.]...U.....
0544AE14: 6F632065 00695106: 53 56 57 8B CA 85 C9 78 07 8B 1C 88 49 53 79 F9 SVW....x....ISy.
0544AE18: 7369736E 00695116: 8B C4 89 55 F4 89 45 F8 E8 9D FF FF FF 89 45 FC ...U..E.......E.
0544AE1C: 636E6574 00695126: 33 DB EB 5D 4F 74 18 83 EF 02 74 05 4F 74 10 EB 3..]Ot....t.Ot..
0544AE20: 68632079 00695136: 44 55 B8 03 00 00 00 E8 A6 FF FF FF 59 EB 42 55 DU..........Y.BU

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