Issue of Similar Image comparison

Description: Feel free to ask here any questions about Image Comparer. Any suggestions are welcome!
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Post #1by skamble2 » Wed Feb 24, 2010 5:52 am

I am using trial version of Image Comparer 3.7 Build 710.
In that I want to compare between microsoft visio screen and AMS screen images. It compares similar as well as nonsimilar images. But I want only to compare similar images (i.e. for e.g. Identification tab in visio screen should compare with Identification tab in AMS screen. It should not compare with any other tab)
Also even if I gave path of 6 Visio screen and 6 AMS screen images through Comparison wizard, Image Pairs tab shows 12 pairs of comaparison instead of 6.
So it becomes difficult to sort out similar comaprison images.

Can you please help me to solve this issue?

With Regards

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With us: 15 years 4 months

Post #2by Gemini » Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:18 pm

Hi, skamble2!

Try to create the separate galleries for your Visio and AMS images using menu item "Gallery-New". Then process the comparison between these galleries using the "Compare-Between two galleries" menu item.

Bolide Software Support Team

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Post #3by skamble2 » Thu Feb 25, 2010 11:45 am

Whatever you have suggested it is working but I have to click it manually to search for a valid comparison ( (i.e. for e.g. Identification tab in visio screen comparison with Identification tab in AMS screen.)
Is there any way to compare the images automatically with same tab name both in visio screen and in AMS screen?
For e.g. Image 1 from Gallery 1 should compare with Image 2 from Gallery 2. Below shows the format of comparison. It'll help you to understand my problem.


And one more thing I would like to ask is that how the comparison report looks like? how the comparison discrepancies used to show in a report ?

With Regards

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With us: 15 years 4 months

Post #4by Gemini » Sat Feb 27, 2010 8:27 am

There's no such comparison mode in the current version.
And as for Comparison report, if you mean Save Comparison Log function, then it's just a text file, where in each line there's given the pair being compared and the degree of comparison between two images.

Bolide Software Support Team

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