A useful app for using various movie streaming services

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R B Strautman
R B Strautman
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With us: 13 years

Post #1by R B Strautman » Mon May 31, 2021 9:08 pm

I recently discovered an app called ReelGood that allow the user to search multiple streaming services for films they would like to see. For instance if I wanted to see if a specific film is available on any of the paid or free movie streaming services, I search for the film on ReelGood and the app will search all of the streaming services which I have indicated I can access. If it finds the film on a service I can access, it will add it to a "to view" list for that service. If the film is not currently available from any streaming service I can access it will keep a list of these films and periodically check for availability.

I recently found several movies on Amazon Prime and Tubi that I wanted to see.

Check it out and even if you don't use it, you can look like a genius when you tell your friends "yes, there is way to find out if a movie is available from a streaming services without manually checking them all".

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With us: 3 years 2 months

Post #2by MikeT » Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:56 pm

You can find all the information on a movie or TV show on justwatch. It has an app as well.
Reel good is also good.

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