monthly payments ?

Description: Feel free to ask here any questions about All My Books software. Any suggestions are welcome
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Post #1by Anemul » Sat Apr 15, 2017 2:10 pm

After initial payment , will there be monthly payments involved ?
If not and I purchase the software at 4.9 will I be required to purchase the next update even though I haven't enjoyed all of the builds from 4.0 ?
If I purchase the software , is the phone app free ?

Viki F
Viki F
Reputation: 15
With us: 12 years 3 months

Post #2by Viki » Mon Apr 24, 2017 12:43 pm

There are no monthly payments, that I know of. The phone app is not free, but it does require that you also own the AllMyMovies (where you actually create your database).
For the remainder of your questions, follow this link:

I hope this helps :wink:

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