Print Collection

Description: Feel free to ask here any questions about All My Books software. Any suggestions are welcome
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Post #1by RMc » Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:37 pm

On the tools menu, you have an option to print collection. When selected, a list of templates is provided as well as 1 for create new template. Creating a new template opens a Fast-Report design window. I'm familiar with Crystal Reports and this seems to be the same type of report designer, but I can't seem to create a workable report. There doesn't appear to be a way to edit any of the existing templates (which would let me base a new report off of a similar one). The help link on the designer doesn't work. Is there some kind of documentation available for use when creating a custom report?

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With us: 4 years 6 months

Post #2by RMc » Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:39 pm

Update: It is possible to edit the existing templates. When you click on an existing template; it starts to automatically preview the report. But if you double-click the template, it will open in a new window and allow you to edit it. The templates are stored locally in C:\ProgramData\AllMyBooks\Reports.

Other things to note: You can't use the arrow keys to adjust field placement; you have to use the cursor.

Page Headers default to not displayed on the 1st page. Right-click the section and there is an option to allow them to be displayed.

I'm still having difficulties adding grouping to the report, so actual documentation regarding this feature would be appreciated.

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