Maybe your tool already does this (I *just* bought it), but I need help cleaning up *structured* duplicates of my audio files.
The scenario: since I started collecting audio on my hard drive (17 years ago), playlist formats have changed, my directory structures have changed, drives & computers have been upgraded and even outright 'died'. The only 'safe' (durable) way I found to keep a group of audio files in a 'playlist' was to not use playlists

Rather, I copied the files into 'playlist directories'.
Also, I recently re-ripped my 1,000 CD's at the highest quality (the last time was 13 years ago, when 75GB was $300, as was a 32*MB* mp3 player, and encoding was poor), and I've added artwork, lyrics, etc.
Needless to say, I have a plethora of 'playlist directories' I want to keep, but I want to upgrade the quality with the new rips, and maintain the structure.
Your tool seems close to what I need - but here are a few ehancements that would be of great use to me:
1) Find the duplicates, then offer to replace the lower-quality with the higher-quality versions, thus keeping my structure, but improving the quality & tags of all my 'playlist directories'. There is another tool that does this, but it was lacking in other areas at the time - I would rather have this in your tool
2) Find the duplicates, then replace them with a playlist, using a relative directory path and/or file ID
2b) a *reversing* tool that takes the above 'playlist' and re-generates (copies) the actual files back into the original structure (this would be useful if I intend to re-arrange my directory structure)
Even better, this tool could use your audio signature / file ID technology to find 'lost' files (ie in case I move files/directories, invalidating 'playlist' paths), and also 'fix' the playlist.
This would allow me to go both ways fluidly, based on current needs (save space vs. maintain structure)
You can imagine a number of other derivatives of the above:
3) fix 'standard' playlists (m3u, etc.) by finding 'lost' files
To support this, you might have to pre-process the playlist while it's still good to collect file info.
Or maybe you just create one of your own playlists like my suggestion above, then provide ways to export it in the various playlist formats?
4) pre-processing of playlists
some media tools already do this, a twist on #2 above: let me specify a new format/bitrate and destination, then you convert the source to the destination format and directory. I can do this in most audio device management tools, but on the fly to the device, not a directory (AFAIK).
5) update tags?
Not sure how useful this one is, but a twist on #1: find the duplicates, but only copy the improved *tags* over (art, lyrics, dates, etc.), leaving the audio alone.
Anyway, looking forward to your consideration!