AudioComparer Failing to Compare Files?

Description: Feel free to ask here any questions about Audio Comparer. Any suggestions are welcome!
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Post #1by sonicblue » Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:27 am

I've recently noticed that AudioComparer has been neglecting many of my files when it is look for similarities. For the most part AC catches a ton of stuff. But it's also been missing many others.

For instance, I've got three songs from Natasha Bedingfield. All three of them are called "Unwritten". I got them all from different sources so they are all different. All of them are .mp3, but they're different filesizes and different bitrates. Play them back and they're all the exact same song.

AudioComparer, however, doesn't mark them as such when I compare them all.

I've got literally tons of other songs that aren't being matched up properly. Is this a known bug? Please help!

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Post #2by Gemini » Wed Dec 02, 2009 6:54 am

Will you please send these three files to We'll test them to identify the problem.

Bolide Software Support Team

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Post #3by sonicblue » Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:34 am

Thanks for the response!

Since the three files are too large to send via normal email, I've sent them to you using

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Post #4by Gemini » Wed Dec 02, 2009 11:36 am

Okay, thanks!
Bolide Software Support Team

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Post #5by sonicblue » Wed Jan 13, 2010 11:36 am

Hey guys,

I was wondering if you had many any progress on this? I actually ended up having hundreds of files that AC couldn't match together. Though I'm not complaining, considering AC was able to widdle it down to mere hundreds from thousands!

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Post #6by Mark » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:32 pm

Have version 1.5 and although this is an old thread I thought it best to continue here.

I have the same issue occurring. Same song, file size, play length but on different albums. iTunes see's it as a duplicate but AC does not.

I have been testing the software by identifying the duplicates and only moving them to another directory. When you move them they do not maintain the original directory structure so you end up having to rename the 'duplicates' which could only be duplicate in file name. This should be addressed.

I am concerned as now it seems I have more duplicates than I do original material and I have noticed whole albums removed from my base library that are not duplicates. Need to investigate this further though.

Also note that AC reviews one directory and totals 16894 files, where iTunes sees the same directory as having 18708 files. This is A-L of my current library only. I tried cutting the number of files in half as suggested in another thread to reduce the comparison effort.

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Forum gap?

Post #7by nickeaston » Mon Mar 21, 2011 4:47 pm

Is AC a viable product? In spite of a recent upgrade, there is no current forum activity, nor responses to year-old issues...

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