Audio Comparer - Forever crashes after trial ends?

Description: Feel free to ask here any questions about Audio Comparer. Any suggestions are welcome!
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Post #1by sonicblue » Sun May 24, 2009 5:37 pm

Hey all,

I know that Audio Comparer doesn't have a forum yet and that I can use the contact from on the site instead. But I'm just posting this in hopes that someone might have a solution.

Love this software! I've recommended it to all my friends!

I am having a problem though. I went through the 30 day trial of the software. I then bought a license and attempted to activate the full software. But once the trial ended the program stopped opening. I uninstalled and re-installed but it still failed to open at all.

Any ideas?

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With us: 15 years 11 months

Re: Audio Comparer - Forever crashes after trial ends?

Post #2by Gemini » Mon May 25, 2009 6:54 am

sonicblue wrote:Love this software! I've recommended it to all my friends!
Thanks a lot!:)
sonicblue wrote:I went through the 30 day trial of the software. I then bought a license and attempted to activate the full software. But once the trial ended the program stopped opening. I uninstalled and re-installed but it still failed to open at all.

Is there any error report? If yes, could you write what error exactly it is?

Best regards,
Bolide Software Support Team

Reputation: 0
With us: 15 years 9 months

Post #3by sonicblue » Mon May 25, 2009 5:41 pm

Thanks for the reply!

Here are the errors I get in the order that I receive them.




After the above window, I click on the Details button and I get four tabs filled with information. Here's the contents of those tabs from left to right.

General Tab

Code: Select all

EurekaLog 4.6.7

  1.1 Start Date      : Mon, 25 May 2009 13:24:36 -0400
  1.2 Name/Description: AudioComparer.exe
  1.3 Version Number  :
  1.4 Parameters      :

  2.1 Date   : Mon, 25 May 2009 13:24:42 -0400
  2.2 Address: 005ABD34
  2.3 Module : AudioComparer.exe
  2.4 Type   : EAccessViolation
  2.5 Message: Access violation at address 005ABD34 in module 'AudioComparer.exe'. Read of address 00000058.

Active Controls:
  3.1 Form Class   : Progman
  3.2 Form Text    : Program Manager
  3.3 Control Class:
  3.4 Control Text :

  4.1 Name        : User
  4.2 User        : User
  4.3 Total Memory: 893 Mb
  4.4 Free Memory : 206 Mb
  4.5 Total Disk  : 101.88 Gb
  4.6 Free Disk   : 10.42 Gb

Operating System:
  5.1 Type    : Microsoft Windows
  5.2 Build # : 6001
  5.3 Update  : Service Pack 1
  5.4 Language: English (United States)

Call Stack Tab


Modules Tab



Code: Select all

EAX: 00000000   EDI: 00000000
EBX: 029247B0   ESI: 028E63C0
ECX: 00000000   ESP: 0012FE68
EDX: 00000000   EIP: 005ABD34

Stack:               Memory Dump:
------------------   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
0012FE68: 0012FEAC   005ABD34: 8B 40 58 E8 A4 F9 FA FF 84 C0 74 38 8D 55 F0 A1  .@X.......t8.U..
0012FE6C: 00404EDC   005ABD44: 70 00 5C 00 8B 00 8B 40 58 E8 1E 0E FB FF 8B 55  p.\....@X......U
0012FE70: 0012FEA4   005ABD54: F0 8D 45 F4 E8 33 A2 E5 FF 8B 45 F4 8D 55 F8 E8  ..E..3....E..U..
0012FE74: 00000000   005ABD64: 0C B5 F1 FF 8B 4D F8 8D 45 FC BA E8 BE 5A 00 E8  .....M..E....Z..
0012FE78: 00000000   005ABD74: 10 A3 E5 FF A1 70 00 5C 00 8B 00 8B 80 8C 00 00  .....p.\........
0012FE7C: 00000000   005ABD84: 00 E8 56 F9 FA FF 84 C0 74 43 FF 75 FC 68 E8 BE  ..V.....tC.u.h..
0012FE80: 00000000   005ABD94: 5A 00 8D 55 E4 A1 70 00 5C 00 8B 00 8B 80 8C 00  Z..U..p.\.......
0012FE84: 00000000   005ABDA4: 00 00 E8 C5 0D FB FF 8B 55 E4 8D 45 E8 E8 DA A1  ........U..E....
0012FE88: 00000000   005ABDB4: E5 FF 8B 45 E8 8D 55 EC E8 B3 B4 F1 FF FF 75 EC  ...E..U.......u.
0012FE8C: 00000000   005ABDC4: 8D 45 FC BA 03 00 00 00 E8 1F A3 E5 FF 68 92 00  .E...........h..
0012FE90: 00000000   005ABDD4: 00 00 FF 15 F0 00 6B 00 D1 ED 2B 0C 28 91 E4 A6  ......k...+.(...
0012FE94: 00000000   005ABDE4: 96 04 19 F0 77 6E CA CA 8C 76 17 56 7D 51 DE BC  ....wn...v.V}Q..
0012FE98: 00000000   005ABDF4: FB 0F CD 67 01 0A 44 11 D8 D0 D8 69 C3 1F C1 E8  ...g..D....i....
0012FE9C: 00000000   005ABE04: E9 0C 56 08 2E 76 1E 9A E3 F4 F0 82 94 1D 14 34  ..V..v.........4
0012FEA0: 00000000   005ABE14: 56 52 9F 52 53 F7 A9 57 12 8C F7 D4 33 A9 26 29  VR.RS..W....3.&)
0012FEA4: 0012FF6C   005ABE24: 88 D7 E8 98 1A F0 C7 90 82 15 F9 6D 1B CE 5D B7  ...........m..].

After the four tabs all I can do is hit OK.

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With us: 15 years 11 months

Post #4by Gemini » Tue May 26, 2009 8:08 am

Thank you for the bug-report. We're trying to solve it now. By the way, what version and Build are you running?
Bolide Software Support Team

Reputation: 0
With us: 15 years 9 months

Post #5by sonicblue » Tue May 26, 2009 11:49 pm

This problem happened to the version and build that I downloaded from the website about 31-35 days ago. It was version 1.3, but since it can't open I don't know what build it was exactly.

After I couldn't get it to open I uninstalled it and installed a new copy that I downloaded from the website on Sunday. (With no luck of it being fixed).

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With us: 15 years 11 months

Post #6by Gemini » Wed May 27, 2009 4:29 pm

sonicblue wrote:This problem happened to the version and build that I downloaded from the website about 31-35 days ago. It was version 1.3, but since it can't open I don't know what build it was exactly.

After I couldn't get it to open I uninstalled it and installed a new copy that I downloaded from the website on Sunday. (With no luck of it being fixed).

The answer has been sent by e-mail.
Bolide Software Support Team

Reputation: 0
With us: 15 years 9 months

Post #7by sonicblue » Sun May 31, 2009 11:18 am

Yep, I tried deleting it's entry in my registry before with no luck. Got your email and tried doing it again. After deleting it I ran the program and got the same error.

No workie!

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With us: 15 years 11 months

Post #8by Gemini » Sun May 31, 2009 2:02 pm

sonicblue wrote:Yep, I tried deleting it's entry in my registry before with no luck. Got your email and tried doing it again. After deleting it I ran the program and got the same error.

Yes, we've tested everything - the program really crashes after trial ends. We haven't encounted such an error yet - this will be fixed in the nearest update. As for you, sonicblue, we've sent the solution by e-mail - hope, this time everything will be all right. Thanks for patience!

Best regards,
Bolide Software Support Team

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