All My Movies: post your suggestions here

Description: Feel free to ask here any questions about All My Movies software. Any suggestions are welcome
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Post #31by Downto2 » Sun Jan 08, 2006 1:09 am

my top requsets would be(in order of importance)

1) Full Unicode support(heck, i'd buy it for this alone)
2) better way to organize offline media(all files on one C/DVD-R under one group)
3) better way to organize multi-file movies (movie_disc1&movie_disc2/part1.avi&part2.avi under one sub-group)
4) adjustable screenshot layout (instead of 1 column with 10 rows, X col Y rows)



Post #32by Guest » Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:55 pm

tnx for a great program, but i think better filterfunctions would improve the program a lot. like filter by genre and rating.

tnx again=) /jontish



Post #33by Guest » Mon Apr 03, 2006 8:21 am


Sugestion 1:

It would be great if you could add for covers aswell. I find a lot of my movies appear on but do not appear on or dvdempire. For example i received a dvd i ordered in the post this morning called "Keeping Mum". This is on the UK site but not on either of the .com sites. So i have to manually grab the cover and import it.

I have a lot of DVDs like this. I buy a lot of the UK standup comedian DVDs which do not appear on the .com very often.

Sugestion 2:

A full substring search from the search box above the movie list on the left. So if i want to find "keeping Mum" for example i could start to type mum or keeping. This is how DVD Profiler works which was what i ised before buying All My Movies. This makes it a lot easier especially when searching films with "The" infront of them. I know it can be done through the full search button but that is a bit long winded.

Thanks a lot for a great program though it is far superior to any of the other i tried before this ;)


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Post #34by deisama » Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:15 pm

I'd like to second( or third?) the request to allow for better hard drive searches.

right now, a lot of movies often have 3 video files in them. (CD1, CD2, and the sample). When I try to scan a drive, than it adds 3 of the same entry!

Also, there seems to be a bug where the Folder name isn't used for the title if "Only import movie titles" isn't checked. So when it tries to search for the movie, it uses the filename that has all kinds of strange little tags on it (xvid, ac3, and what not).

It would be great if it could just scan all the movies in a folder, add the filesize and duration together, and than use the folder name for the title.

Other than that one main issue, everything else is just nitpicking.

I just gotta say, this program is freaking fantastic. The amount of information it gathers is so nice! Its like finding out what movies I have all over again!

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Post #35by actraiser » Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:13 pm

Hello, just bought a license key of the program. It has some really nice features like the xls-import.

1. I would like to suggest that the user can modify the site-lookup URL (e.g. instead of "" i need "", which will also consider german titles with the search request to their site).

2. More Stats, i love stats , like Top50s by Actors, Directors.

3. Import of IMDB-Reader Reviews (e.g. 5 most recent reviews)

4. Scan more than one site at the same time , e.g. if does not have the cover, try dvdempire, then try

5. often i have asian movies which have a different english name, imdb returns the chinese name of the movie which is correct, but the cover search will use this as keyword for it's search and often fails. So it would be great if the cover search is done by orig title AND the title-field in the second row.

6. Improve the speed :) It takes quiete long to calculate stats or export html pages (i have 910 movies in the database for your information)

Ok these are just a few things which i think could be improved, however, i really like the program and thats why i bought it :-)


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Post #36by invictus » Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:52 pm

A few small suggestions of my own. :)

1. Separation of wishlisted movies from owned movies. Right now the wishlisted items show up by default in the movie list.

2. When adding a cover image, it makes the Description text on the right align along an invisible column running down the middle of the display. This is a big waste of space and looks unappealing. Would be nice if we could have the Description text automatically align back to the left side where the image file ends.

3. Custom fields! While this is already a possibility, there are a few problems. Namely:

a) The user cannot choose -where- the custom field will appear. For example, I added a field called "Language," which appears as the very last item on the bottom of a movie's entry. What if I want it to appear directly after "Year" at the top or something?

b) It is not possible (unless I'm wrong!) to create a linked custom field, i.e. a user may want to add additional links to reviews of the film or the official website, etc.

c) It is also not possible to create a custom field that accepts large blocks of text, i.e. a Review field. Right now, if I am to add any reviews, I am forced to paste them into the Comments field.

4. Not as important but something to consider would be the automatic downloading of reviews from, say, or other review sites.

5. A separate field specifically for taglines be great! I know the user can make a custom field for them, but I am speaking of a field into which the taglines are directly downloaded from an online database. Automatically inserting the tagline in the Comments field the way AllMyMovies does not is, in my opinion, somewhat irritating.

That said, the practicality of this program just cannot be beaten by any of the other fancy movie organizers. I've hardly been using it two weeks and I already can't do without it. Thanks!

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Post #37by qwerty » Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:45 am

This is nice program but a few things prevented me from using it permanently:

- it doesn't support a database. I wouldn't trust this program to store hundreds/thousands of movie information unless it supports a robust database like mysql instead of a flat file. This is really the deal breaker.

- after adding about two dozen movies the screenshot feature started misbehaving. The images become corrupt, though it works fine if I manually add the screenshot from disk. This would be understandable for version 1.0, but at version 3.9, this is disconcerting.

- the user interface is too rigid. There's no templating/skinning ability to customize appearance. None of the text are selectable-- e.g. I can't cut/paste any of the information that's displayed.

- The cataloguing concept is flat, which is ok for 1-disc movies but NOT ok for TV series. I don't want to see "The simpsons" repeated 7 times on the movies listing for 7 seasons. Also, it would be nice to see information and screen captures for each episodes -- something like this:

For now, I ended up using a wiki to catalog my movies, which is admittedly more manual labor, but I get precisely what I want, the way I want it.

bolide M
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bolide M
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Post #38by bolide » Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:21 pm


First of all, All My Movies uses Microsoft Access database :)

v4.0 will support HTML templaets for the movie details area. We are now debugging and testing this feature.

majority of screenshot problems can be solved by installing the latest ffdshow codec.

ps. I am a Simpsons fan too ;)
Bolide Software

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adding number to each movie + sorting by nr/title

Post #39by npanda » Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:51 am

I just tested the trial version and i'm loving this program.
However a feature thats vital for me is the option to adding a number to each
movie entry. Also sorting by number/title is a must. Just like ant movie catalog does it. All my movies have a sticker with a number on it so i hope you will considering this feature.

Regards npanda.

bolide M
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bolide M
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Re: adding number to each movie + sorting by nr/title

Post #40by bolide » Thu Sep 14, 2006 5:33 pm

Yes, we remeber about it :)
Special field for the numbering purposes will be added in the v4.0 of All My Movies
Bolide Software

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Re: adding number to each movie + sorting by nr/title

Post #41by MD » Fri Sep 15, 2006 6:53 pm

I use the label field to number my movies :D

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Post #42by mdfire » Tue Oct 03, 2006 7:26 pm

I've been using your software for almost a year now and I'm really happy with it. Nevertheless I've got some suggestions:

1) Would it be possible to add support of some new video formats / codec (e.g. such as x264)?

2) I would really appreciate if you could add some more stats, e.g. favourites directors, actors, etc.

3) For some of my older movies that were imported from other software I would need to change the date the movie was added (for the time being they are in the wrong format). Could you please enable such an option?

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Post #43by MD » Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:57 pm

I was wondering if it is possible to add an option to duplicate a movie.
My sister and I have a lot of TV series and it's a lot of work to add all that data manually for each DVD while most of the data remains the same for each disk.
This would be much easier if I could duplicate a movie entry :D

bolide M
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bolide M
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Post #44by bolide » Thu Oct 12, 2006 5:21 pm

MD, select the movie you want to duplicate and press CTRL-D. The trick will not work in treeview mode.
Bolide Software

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With us: 17 years 9 months

Post #45by StormShadow » Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:12 pm

I wouldn't mind an "Auto" backup.... My pc crashed a few weeks ago and my backup was pretty old so i almost had to start over..

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