New Bolide Software forum

Description: Just a forum for any posts ;)
Moderators: Viki, Gus, datasource, Gemini, admins

bolide M
Site Admin
bolide M
Site Admin
Reputation: 3
With us: 19 years 7 months

Post #1by bolide » Thu Sep 29, 2016 8:10 pm

Good news, everyone :)

We have a new forum now. The old one became completely unusable after some upgrades on our server. Finally, we were able to install a newer forum and transfer almost all data.

It seems it was our mistake to ignore the forum thinking that all communications are in the social networks nowaday. From time to time we received a questions regarding the forum, so here we are again :)
Bolide Software

Viki F
Viki F
Reputation: 15
With us: 12 years 11 months

Post #2by Viki » Tue Oct 04, 2016 1:56 pm

I really like the clean style of the returning forum. It is less cluttered looking than the last one and easy to navigate. Thank you :D

Reputation: 0
With us: 8 years 3 months

need ur help thanks

Post #3by alanx007 » Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:28 pm

Hi bolidesoft
I bought your software of All My Movies this week. It seems very helpful for collecting my movies. But I also found some issues when I was using the software. I hope that your team can correct them. The questions are as below:
1 There is a function named "get movie title from folder" when I added movie to the list. I wish that you can increase one function in the list by "English title" except "title" and "other title" when I settle movies
2 It doesn't show the movie number for IMDB, rating and storage paths for the movie files in the movie lists
3 Is it possible to add movie by the movie number for IMDB? I think it is more convenient when I have known the movie number
4 I have over 40 HDDs so I think that using volume label to manage movies more effective than driver paths. For example the path will be changed if operation system has been reinstalled. The volume label stays the same so that the data will not be under confusion.
5 When I operate it I hope that the software can compare the movie with current datebase whether exist duplicate movies and inquiry if I need to add it to the list. Current condition is that compare the movies with current path this time. It can avoid that add duplicate movies or some different version movies.
6 I also found that the software can’t find *.iso file. You should know what it is. Is that related to copyright issue?
7 I'm from China. Have you ever heard about ""? It is also a website like in China. I suppose you can increase functions for searing information from It is very beneficial for you to expand china market.
8 As a movies fan I used to use the software called My Film Collection which is a local software to settle the movies. But recently they shut down their server so that the software can not be used any more. I think many functions are better than AMM. For example when I want to add a movie I just put some key words to the search bar. MFC will show all possible movies to be chosen by fuzzy search function. It manage the movies by volume label but not the path. If you want to check it I can provide you the software for reference.
Finally I’m look forward to your feedback
Best Regards

Viki F
Viki F
Reputation: 15
With us: 12 years 11 months

Post #4by Viki » Sun Dec 04, 2016 1:59 pm

I can't decide which is more disappointing ...
A forum that doesn't work, or a forum that you refuse to work.

Even though I enjoy using your software, I am tempted to look for an alternative software that has some semblance of customer support.
The average response time to issues and concerns raised in the forum exceeds a calendar year.

Reputation: 0
With us: 11 years 1 month

All my Movies on Ipad

Post #5by zplugger » Sat Dec 10, 2016 5:43 pm

Has anyone figure out how to do this with a local file?, I can do by interent but want to be able to do with local file. Itunes will see the ipad but not sure how to transfer the zip folder to ipad. Windows 10 and the updated itunes. Not getting any support on this so maybe someone knows how to do.

Reputation: 0
With us: 11 years 1 month

All My Movies on IPad

Post #6by zplugger » Tue Dec 13, 2016 2:48 pm

Bingo Got it working with my setup,in windows 10 you have to set file sharing to get the apps to syn with Itunes. Let me say this is a great app for Ipad, nice work Bolide Software. Would it be possible for you to add MPAA: to the app,maybe put it right under Writer?

Reputation: 0
With us: 7 years 8 months

Post #7by Everson » Sat Jul 15, 2017 5:52 am

zplugger wrote:Bingo Got it working with my setup,in windows 10 you have to set file sharing to get the apps to syn with Itunes. Let me say this is a great app for Ipad, nice work Bolide Software. Would it be possible for you to add MPAA: to the app,maybe put it right under Writer?

It may be a stupid question but how do I set file sharing? Set it to what?

Reputation: 0
With us: 7 years 5 months

Allmymovies on iPhone

Post #8by Pandababie3 » Thu Oct 12, 2017 2:22 pm

Hi I’ve been trying for some time to get a response to why my software had not been updated and/or replaced. It will not let me use a product I paid for and I need answers. Does anyone know why bolidessoft has not responded or fixed this issue? I want my app to work or my money back this is frustrating.....

Viki F
Viki F
Reputation: 15
With us: 12 years 11 months

Post #9by Viki » Thu Dec 28, 2017 6:17 pm

Why do we have to go to to see what is new and/or improved in the software? The forum does not address updates being available or even what is being worked on. The Bolide website's last noted changes were for version 8.9 build 1446. Of course, the improvements are flashed during the update process but are not available to be read from the program afterwards!

I would like to see the change-log posted somewhere and maintained to reflect the various changes being implemented. Preferably somewhere at Bolidesoft. The forum would be a great place for such information. :roll:

Viki F
Viki F
Reputation: 15
With us: 12 years 11 months

Post #10by Viki » Fri Feb 02, 2018 4:25 pm

Reputation: 0
With us: 5 years 9 months

Post #11by thommo_nz » Wed May 29, 2019 9:02 pm

I'm currently using EMDB to manage my collection and I'm looking for a replacement that:
1. Allow the export of a movie list to HTML (for a website)
2. Allows scanning of a HDD for new movies (on a regular basis)
3. Will automate the update of the HTML list on a regular basis post a scan for new movies

It seems to me that (like EMDB) this process is manual with AMM so doesn't seem like its an appropriate replacement for me.
Does anyone have any comment on whether this is something AMM can do, or if they have seen an alternative Movie Collection Application that does?


Reputation: 0
With us: 5 years 8 months

Post #12by RandyBonnette » Tue Jun 25, 2019 7:41 am

Hi there,

How did you manage to get it work? After the latest windows 10 update, all of my apps and tools are just driving me crazy. I can't update my Bolide Software. It's just freezing on the start. Any solutions? Thanks.

Reputation: 0
With us: 4 years 9 months

Post #13by Ossoney » Thu May 21, 2020 3:41 pm

Hi, I´m considering seriously to buy Allmybooks.
I´m in the trial time and I´m manipulating 70 thousand ebooks. I have problems to find duplicates, to agrupate by idioms, etc. because the pc turns very slow.
This problems dissapear with the paid version?

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